Fantasy Football Latest

Leicetser may have secured the title this week, but the Stoke Fantasy Football title is still up for grabs, Dan taking over from Matt after the latest round of matches…but by just one point! Looks like Jack is going to win the battle of the Townsends, too.)

Latest table:

1 Dogwood Rovers Daniel Gluckman 2,015
2 Tea & Busquets Matt Gottschalk 2,014
3 Mayo Man’s Mutlers James Trower 1,957
4 Balotelli-tubbies 2 Patrick Wilson 1,914
5 Mighty Tigers Jeremy Connell 1,904
6 Who ate all Depay Will Thomson 1,876
7 Hamdy Ahmed Fathy 1,852
8 Ain’t got a Kalou Oliver John 1,783
9 ParkthebusFC Jack Townsend 1,728
10 BeastFC Ben Townsend 1,675
11 Who ate all Depay’s? Ben Holder 1,645
12 Selection Nightmares Ralph Coleman 1,618
13 Morls’ Men Dominic Morley 1,606
14 Malcelona Malcolm Dickson 1,569

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